Expansion Plans for Kimberley House Riding for the Disabled 

Kimberley House Riding for the Disabled (RDA) has decided to expand its service to more children and young people with disabilities. Having recently received a substantial legacy from a local resident the Group have been discussing the best way to make use of the donation. As a result the Group have offered their service to other local special schools and have had a positive response. From mid January Fusion Academy will be able to offer riding and stable management to some of their pupils. Fusion caters for young people with autism and/or communication and interaction needs who do not have a learning disability. 

Based at Witham Villa Equestrian Centre in Broughton Astley, currently up to 10 children attend weekly in term time, learning to ride and some basic horse care. They are aged between 10 and 16 years and attend Ash Field Academy in Leicester, a day and weekly boarding school for around 160 pupils who have a range of disabilities which can be combined with one or more needs of a sensory, communication, learning, medical or behavioural nature. 

A pool of 19 volunteers currently run the group. They tack up the ponies, set up activities in the indoor school, lead or side walk during sessions, untack and clear up afterwards. Some volunteers will take the non riding group to learn in the 'classroom', the Equestrian Centre's cafe. Here they learn about horse care which may include some practical sessions of tack cleaning, grooming and a lot of the young people's favourite activity, mucking out.

The Group needs more volunteers to help with our expanded service. If you are available on a Thursday in school term time between 12 and 3.30pm and have an interest in horses and/or young people please consider joining. Volunteers are given training and will need to be DBS checked. Some volunteers will have limited time and may choose to help at only one of the 2 sessions.

Potential volunteers are welcome to view a session or to find out more please contact Sarah Smith email sarah.smith68@icloud.com or give her a call on 07790522886 or Ann Howe email ann.howe@hotmail.co.uk or give her a call on 07974793132

For more information about Riding for the Disabled please take a look at the national organisation's website www.rda.org.uk

Preston thanks his horse Millie


Special recognition for long term volunteer at Scropton Riding for the Disabled Group